A black and white icon drawn of hands holding up a cross.

Christ-Centered community on your campus

The SERVE Campus Network is a collection of diverse Christian communities across post-secondary campuses in Canada.

Our goal is to be the hands and feet of Christ on campus by serving each other and our campuses with love, justice, and compassion.
Get Involved

Join a Serve Community

The Christian life is meant to be shared.

From the highs to the lows and everything in between.

"And let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." (Hebrews 10:24 NLT)
Image of a crowd singing. One woman is praying.
A man holding his arms up and facing the camera.

Join us as we seek to practice what we preach.

Our desire is to glorify God in action as much as in word. We aim to be humble as we actively serve our peers in love and care without discrimination.

"Do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8 NIV)

You're designed for this.

Icon drawn with outlines in black and white. It is the shape of a brain.


and be known

Icon drawn in black and white outline. It is in the shape of a heart.


and be loved

Icon drawn in outline of black and white. It depicts two hands holding each other in agreement.


and be served

We don't believe in earning your way into community.

Jesus paved the path for all of us and now, as one body, we're meant to share in all things together as an intentional community.

Find us on a campus near you.

From Vancouver Island to Newfoundland, we've got you covered.

We're an all-hands-on-deck kind of community so we promise that no matter where you are, there's a place for you to get involved.

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See The Full List

Life is better together.

We live by grace through faith.

Our belief is that community is both a gift and a discipline in our lives as Christians.

These are the disciplines that we practice together and we'd love for you to join us.

Image of people roasting marshmallows over a fire.


Worship is a holistic lifestyle that involves your praise, work, relationships, body, mind and soul.


Prayer is simply talking to God, and can be verbal, in thought, writing, or contemplation.

Bible Study

We believe the Bible is God's message to us, so we seek to understand and obey its truth.

Image of people chatting at a potluck.


We believe that we are all called to serve, and so we seek to find creative ways to serve a diverse array of communities and needs with no strings attached.


It's important to incorporate the rhythms of celebration, both big and small, into our everyday life. We seek to live out of God's delight and love for His children, enjoying His goodness throughout all of creation.


We're not professional counsellors, but we're good listeners, and we strive to be present in and through all the ups and downs of life. We're committed to supporting each other in every way we can.

Find Your Community
Come as you are.
We have space for you.

Meet Our Team

A group of people gathered together.
Caption: Image of our team from across Canada.

Our staff team is multidisciplinary, multicultural, and intergenerational. We find a lot of joy in engaging with God's beautiful mission on campus by helping people and serving our local communities.

You'll find that our communities are also heavily student-led from worship and Bible study to events and strategic planning. We aim for humble collaboration, working together to co-create healthy communities where we can all grow in love and faith.

Connect with Us

Let's Connect!

Send us a message and we'll get back to you within 1-3 days.

Finding a community can be hard but we'll do everything we can to help you get connected with a community near you.

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Prefer to talk to a human?

Meet John, our SERVE Campus Network director.

The SERVE Campus Network is a network of Christian student communities on campuses across Canada. We're affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

John's goal is to help provide support and guidance to our dynamic communities.

Got questions? Book a quick video chat with John and he'd be happy to help.

Image of a man with glasses smiling
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